Never Again
Mission Statement
The mission of the Never Again committee is to provide proactive and reactive efforts to prevent the toxic spread of antisemitism and bigotry of all kinds. It is anticipated that this mission may be advanced through education, partnership, and advocacy in order to ensure that small-or large-scale attacks against Jews, or any ethnic group, never again take an institutional hold as they did in the Shoah (Holocaust).
A key motivator supporting the formation of the Committee was the field study publication:
2021 Survey of North American Teens on the Holocaust and Antisemitism by our Rebbitzin, Dr. Alexis Lerner. The field study was a key motivator for the Ontario, Canada school systems to implement Holocaust Studies into their curriculum
A Summary of the Key Findings
2021 Survey of North American Teens on the Holocaust and Antisemitism
Overall, these findings suggest that students benefit substantially from Holocaust literacy. Not only does learning about the Holocaust improve understanding about the history of discrimination and violence in the 20th century, but it also seems to correspond with an increased likelihood that students will take necessary action to protect minority communities when confronted with hatred or intolerance, especially when that learning is implemented during one’s formative youth. We strongly believe that knowledgeable students will become better citizens by being more likely to prevent antisemitism, bullying, discrimination, and other intergroup conflicts at early, nonviolent stages. It is even plausible that this formative education will motivate today’s youth to lead tomorrow’s efforts to prevent and mitigate the deleterious effects of genocide and war.
The Never Again Committee has focused its initial efforts on Holocaust Education, working with the local Village of Rockville Centre Schools Administration. The Never Again Committee raised funding to provide Holocaust Books requested by the Middle School faculty. We provided ten book titles with 30 copies each. To make the books more meaningful and impactful to the students, each book has a label on the inside cover, dedicated to a child murdered in the Holocaust. The label has the Name, Place of Birth, Place of Death and Age when the child was murdered. Ongoing meetings and cooperation with the Rockville Centre Schools Administration centers on providing Holocaust Books to the High School and School library. Similar cooperation and efforts have been initiated with the Lynbrook Schools Administration.
Never Again Committee Members
Herb Friend, Mark Skolnick
Lisa Berman
Cyd Disler
Melissa Goldman
Barry Hochhauser
Mindy Kaiser
Barbara Kaplan
Jill Kaplan
Elysa Lebron
Rabbi David Lerner
Brandon Melendez
Nancy Moskowitz
Michael Shenker
Karen Skolnick
Marty Skolnick
PowerPoint Presentation on Holocaust Education
Based on the information above, the committee created a presentation to show local school boards how to enlist their cooperation and help with implementing Holocaust education. Click on this link: Presentation on Holocaust Education
Flyers were created and sent to shul members - they responded and completely funded the program
Hebrew school students apply bookplates
Names of children who perished in the Holocaust were obtained from Yad and from members of the congregation. In remembrance, 1,000 bookplates were printed, with each plate detailing name of the child, age at death, date of death, place of birth and place of death.
Hebrew School children applied the bookplates in preparation of delivery to the RVC school District.
CBS-BD delegation delivers books
RVC Schools formal "Thank You"
Lynbrook School District Accepts Books Feb. 2025
Lynbrook's Social Media Post
Lynbrook High School would like to thank their friends at Temple Bnai Sholom - Beth David for generously donating class sets of several books on the Holocaust. The donation includes a range of titles that provide historical accounts, survivor testimonies and insightful perspectives on one of history's darkest periods. The LHS community would like to express their gratitude for the contribution, emphasizing its importance in fostering historical understanding and empathy among students. The donated books will be incorporated into the curriculum, ensuring that students gain a well-rounded perspective on the Holocaust and its significance in today's world. The district will formally recognize Temple Bnai Sholom
- Beth David at the board of education meeting on Wednesday night. #OwlProud #OwlLearns
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharit : 6:55am |
Purim Bag Assembly in Knesset Room : 10:00am |
Maariv : 8:00pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:34pm |
Shabbat Across America Dinner : 6:30pm |
Kabbalat Shabbat : 7:30pm |
Shabbat Day
Shacharit : 9:00am |
Mincha/Ma'ariv : 5:00pm |
Havdalah : 6:34pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 6 Purim Bag Assembly in Knesset Room Thursday, Mar 6 10:00am |
Mar 7 Shabbat Across America Dinner Friday, Mar 7 6:30pm |
Mar 9 Purim Basket Deliveries/Pick Up in Knesset Room Sunday, Mar 9 9:30am |
Mar 10 Sisterhood/WLCJ - Helen Cytryn Day (Tentative) Monday, Mar 10 6:00pm |
Mar 11 Sisterhood Game Night Tuesday, Mar 11 7:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 7, 5:34pm |
Saturday, Mar 8, 6:34pm |
Parshat Zachor
Saturday, Mar 8 |
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Plag HaMincha | 4:39pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:51pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:32pm |
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