Hebrew School
JLC News...
I hope this email finds you well. This week, we are beginning the new book of Shemot-Exodus. The Parsha introduces us to the many Jews who were held in captivity by our adversaries in Egypt but ultimately were freed. In Israel, with our eyes on a ceasefire, we hope and pray for a similar freedom, namely for our many brothers and sisters to be freed and to return to their loved ones immediately.
At JLC, we are teaching the children the beautiful, rich Israeli culture. This week our Shinshinit, Shai, brought some special Israeli foods and treats for the students to sample. It was certainly a big hit!
In Morah Aliza's class, the students began to make their very own Hebrew notebook! Each week they will add several coloring pages for each letter of the Aleph Bet. They will also learn many new Hebrew words that correspond with these letters. This week, the children began with the letters Aleph and Bet. Some words they learned include Aryeh-(lion), Etrog, Adom (red), Bayit (house), Booba (doll) and Barvaz (duck). Ask your children how many they remember. You may be pleasantly surprised by the knoweldge they acquire each week. Also, each student reviewed the initials of their Hebrew name and were happy to get their pictures taken with their Hebrew initials. See their glowing smiles in the pictures below.
Our goal at JLC is to continuously build on the student's Hebrew language and for them to become more proficient in recognizing the Hebrew letters and their sounds. By the time they reach the age of Bar and Bat Mitzvah, we want them to be fluent Hebrew readers.
Last week at Junior Congregation, the students led the congregation with the Ashrei prayer. They also led many of the prayers at the conclusion of the Musaf service including Ein Keloheinu, Eleiynu and Adon Olam. We wish to encourage each of your children to attend Junior Congregation so they too may have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge in front of the whole synagogue.
As a reminder, this Sunday, January 19th, in recognition of MLK Day, Hebrew school will not be in session. We will have regular sessions this upcoming Wednesday, January 22nd.
Save the date: The synagogue is starting a new initiative on the last Friday night of each month. Starting Friday night, January 31st, Cantor Xan will lead in a special service, catered specifically to young families and their children. More details to follow.
Looking into the future:
January 25-Shabbat Shadow (There will be a guest Torah reader. Here's a hint...his first name ends with the letter z)
January 31 - Shabbat with Cantor Xan (details to follow)
February 2-Dedication Ceremony of the new Art Room at 11:30 am. (Refreshments will be served, including a ceremony and a special art project) More details to follow.
February 8-Junior Congregation Services (Shabbat Shira-students will lead 2 songs during services)
February 9-Super Bowl A Thon at 1:00 PM. Come cheer on Scott Barash, Rabbi Diamond,
The Liebermans, Carrie Moffett and Brandon Melendez
February 12- Tu Bishvat Seder
February 15 - Havdalah and Movie Night (please RSVP me if you are able to attend)
March 7 - Shabbat Across America (Friday Night) More details to come
March 13 - Purim (Shpiel and video)
March 15 - Junior Congregation (Siddur Service)
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Tomsky received his Rabbinic Ordination from the
Talmudic University of Florida, his M.B.A. from Barry University and a Doctorate of Education from the University of Hartford. His experience includes over 25 years of working at Jewish Community day schools both as a teacher and as a principal at Bi-Cultural Day School, Yeshiva of Belle Harbor, Schechter Queens and currently at Schechter Long Island.
In addition to his work in the field of day school education,
Rabbi Tomsky is also an accomplished college professor, lecturing on topics ranging from early education and parenting to finance and economics. His doctoral dissertation discussed curriculum integration, namely the interconnections between Judaic and general studies curriculum within Jewish community day schools. Furthermore, he has served as a pulpit rabbi in synagogues in Maine, Rhode Island, and Belle Harbor, New York.
Rabbi Tomsky has helped foster a warm, loving and nurturing environment for students to succeed. He believes that there is a significant correlation between the cognitive and social-emotional development in children and in the importance of students feeling safe, respected and cared for in their schools. Rabbi Tomsky emphasizes the value of Midot Tovot, refined character traits. He believes that a Jewish education is about educating both the heart and the mind. By so doing, his students have developed a deeper love for Torah, their heritage and for Israel.
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharit : 6:55am |
Purim Bag Assembly in Knesset Room : 10:00am |
Maariv : 8:00pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:34pm |
Shabbat Across America Dinner : 6:30pm |
Kabbalat Shabbat : 7:30pm |
Shabbat Day
Shacharit : 9:00am |
Mincha/Ma'ariv : 5:00pm |
Havdalah : 6:34pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 6 Purim Bag Assembly in Knesset Room Thursday, Mar 6 10:00am |
Mar 7 Shabbat Across America Dinner Friday, Mar 7 6:30pm |
Mar 9 Purim Basket Deliveries/Pick Up in Knesset Room Sunday, Mar 9 9:30am |
Mar 10 Sisterhood/WLCJ - Helen Cytryn Day (Tentative) Monday, Mar 10 6:00pm |
Mar 11 Sisterhood Game Night Tuesday, Mar 11 7:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 7, 5:34pm |
Saturday, Mar 8, 6:34pm |
Parshat Zachor
Saturday, Mar 8 |
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